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Plannings & Workshows

Uni-Bielefeld Concepting

on demand - contact

This meeting shall give you the first hint - while beeing in a EDUROAMING Environment. Here we discuss the features, that shall be done - and of course have all access to any scientific, or research question - which often is to be ondemand-researched!

Meesdorf Implementing

next i give you a call, we discussed before

On this work, like in a computer-network - the work will be done - also with interexchanging current topics. I grant the right, to help at the project - and to see the workflow - live and direct at the creation order, to be able to correct and re-goal the project.

Presentation Event


in Companies, at Shows - or online


If you want to have a presentation of the finished project - i will do a show - that with microphone, beamer and of course a interactive re-question - is there for the viewer, that is interested in your project. If you go for online-presentation, check your hardware capabilites, of webcam and microphone, at least!

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